Vipul Agarwal, Delhi, 20 January 2025
This world is the real testing ground of spiritual maturity. Whatever theories we read in the textbooks, the real test takes place when we go to the science laboratory and find that the chemical reaction is not taking place as per the textbooks or that the focal length of the lens, as per the experiment, is different from the textbook formula. We discover the impurities in the chemicals and lenses we have been provided with and learn to account for the impurities.
This world too is full of all types of people. When we interact in this world, different types of emotions crop up. We feel cheated when we have certain expectations from people that they fail to fulfill unable to realize that these expectations were the creation of our minds. We were not aware enough to recalibrate our expectations with the behavioural change. Sometimes we feel sad about situations where people are greedy and their greed disturbs the systems and harmony. They jump the red lights to save a few minutes and create a risk to the lives of everybody around. They use sub-standard materials to build the roads and the potholes in the roads create danger to the lives of everybody travelling on the road. People corrupt the most beautiful marriage ceremonies by playing loud music due to which the blessings of the people in the vicinity get converted into curses. People judge the status of a person, not by his intellect and integrity of character, but rather by his wealth and position. The real test of our character is to deal with real-life situations and if we can maintain love, compassion, and equanimity in these situations, we have learned the art of living.
I feel that at every given moment we have only to decide whether we choose fear or faith. In the present day society, where everybody is so afraid, fear is a natural choice. That is reinforced every moment. The big companies are frightening us with death and diseases so that we buy medical insurance and death covers. Almost every one of us has taken those covers. We want to buy all sorts of security measures such as security cameras and anti-virus software. We want vitamin supplements and immunity boosters. A significant portion of our family budget is being spent on these safety products and services. People are afraid that they will lose their wealth in some scam or stock market crash and therefore buy properties to provide that extra security. One property is not enough and then we buy more such properties and become more insecure. Fear makes us slaves and we dance to the tunes of fear. It so happens in relationships too. We spoil the lives of our own kids by not letting them explore the possibilities of life due to the fear of losing them.
On the other hand, faith fills our lives with love and compassion. It just requires us to take a break and look at the limitations of our frame. The frame of family, society, knowledge, beliefs, and other identities that we carry with us. The frame where we are presently placed. No doubt that we can’t see what is happening on a planet that is millions of light-years away from us. But the moment we look at the stars, at least we understand that there are many things that we do not know. That makes us humble and also fills us with the enthusiasm to explore. To explore what we do not know rather than either being stupidly arrogant or fearful of our limited frame. We develop “faith” in the world outside our limited frame and energy to explore the same. The moment we break free from our “mental stories”, the limitless world is waiting for us with open arms. We can’t hold on to the Earth and fly at the same time. Flying together with “free souls” is a joy that has no parallel in the world of “gravity”!