Sudipta Mishra, 1 April 2023
Oh, dear brook,
Thou hast seen the bloodiest war of the world
You have screamed at the gush of blood!
You carry the blood stain with thyself
An unseen and untreated wound
Though you daily clash with a crowd
Nobody seems to be trapped in your lofty story
But I have felt your pain
The pain which has been given by history
Down the memory lanes,
You have secretly stored your untold injury
Oh, you hold the mighty prowess
To alter the mind of the great Emperor Ashoka
Oh, river, you are the messenger of peace
To watch you flowing beneath the Dhauli Hill is bliss.
Oh, the echoes of your painful murmur
I can hear, I can hear, oh, my dear river
So strong you breathe like an endless source of eternity
You are here to enlighten us with the idea of purity!!!